Thursday, November 20, 2008

Night Owls vs Early Birds

This post is going to be a bunch of random musings really. LOL Which one are you? I am definitely a morning person....early bird. I love mornings. Its a new day and nothing has gone wrong yet. Its fresh. Its clean. Full of hope. Its usually quiet, early in the morning, and my brain is rested and ready to go.
In college though...I was a night owl. All those lovely night hours seemed such a shame to waste on sleeping. I looked at the night as free time to socialize, catch up on studying, get my apartment cleaned, be productive. Sleep? What is that? I can always catch up on that later. I know this seems typical of college or high school kids but I have to really wonder what makes us morning people vs night people.
Is it more of a schedule issue? Some quilters I talk to have a busy family and the night time is really their only quiet time to get stuff done. Whereas my family schedule makes it so the morning is the quiet alone time. Is that what we are really looking for? Some quiet time? Because really, if you think about it, early morning and late night are about the same other than the sun. *grin* The world isn't really going yet, the phone isn't ringing, traffic is drastically decreased, business' are closed.... Either way...thank goodness for finding a moment where you can be productive, peaceful and content where you can get your thoughts squared away without constant interruptions!

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